Bill Mosteller
3306 Parkside Terrace
Fairfax, VA 22031

Wade Griffis developed this series of decals.
I am
pleased to have acquired the line from his widow.

send E-mail to me

Click here for Carbon Black covered hopper decals

Click here for Burlington Northern Freight Cars

Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad Decals
Formerly Available from the ACY Historical Society

#1 ACY - USRA open hopper - 2 bay - Series 7000 to 7199   Finished Model - Second Finished Model

HO - $4.50 N - $3.50 O - $6.50

#2 ACY - ACF 1958 cu ft covered hopper - Series 500 to 539   Finished Model.

Original paint scheme

HO - $4.50 N - $3.50 O - $6.50

#3 ACY Steam locomotives

Newly back in print: HO - $12.00  N - $3.50


#4 ACY Steel cabooses - # 60 to 71   Finished Model  - Second Finished Model  - Third Finished Model 

HO - $4.50 N - $3.50 O - $6.50

#5 ACY Alco – GE Diesels - #D-1 ( S-2 ) and #D-2 ( RS-1 )

Newly back in print: HO - $13.99 N - $3.50 O - $6.50


#6 ACY Fishbelly open hopper - 6000 series  Finished Model

Set has two paint schemes on each sheet

HO - $4.50 N - $3.50 O - $6.50

#7 ACY - Fairbanks Morse and Alco - yellow paint scheme diesels   Model Alco: 102 -  Model Alco: 105Model FM: 204Model FM: 208

Newly back in print: HO - $8.99  N - $3.50


#8 ACY - Mixed train decals - white and gold lettering for various passenger cars

HO - $4.50

#9 ACY Pre Early 1960s cabooses - classic heralds - white  Prototype Photo of ACY 63 by J. David Ingles

HO - $4.50


#10 ACY 4427 cu ft PS-2CD covered hoppers - Series 420 to 439 - Large ACY herald

  Finished Model   N-scale Model by Steve Holzheimer


HO - $5.00  New: N - $6.50

#11 ACY 4460 cu ft ACF covered hoppers - Series 440 to 459 - Large ACY herald   Finished Model

Instructions   Prototype Image by Alan Gaines

HO - $5.00

#12 ACY 4600 cu ft ACF covered hoppers - Series 460 to 479 - Large ACY herald   Finished Model


Prototype Image by Bill Grandin

HO - $5.00

#13 ACY 4650 cu ft ACF covered hoppers - Series 480 to 499 - Large ACY herald

   low brake wheel, partial side ladders

  Finished Model - Finished Model: End


Prototype photo by Alan Gaines

HO - $5.00

#14 ACY - ex DT&I Insulated box - Series 610 to 615   Finished Model     Prototype photo courtesy of Mont Switzer.


HO - $5.50

#15 ACY - 50 ft Combo door box cars - Series 1700 to 1999 (new 1-64) and Series 2200 to 2500 (new 5-66)

   Finished Model 1999 - Finished Model 2445 - Finished Model Ends  -  Prototype Photo #2382, Thanks to Bob's Photos


HO - $5.50

#16 ACY - ex N&W open hoppers - Series 6150 to 6499 and 6700 to 7099   Finished Model

Prototype photo, courtesy Ryan Saltsman


HO - $5.00  New: N - $6.25

#17 ACY - NAHX lease cars - 2003 cu ft GV-2 covered hoppers - original paint scheme   Finished Model

     Prototype photo from Jim Kinkaid Collection.


HO - $5.00

#18 ACY - GV-2 2003 cu ft covered hoppers - Series 570 to 584 - Set does two cars  Finished Model

Prototype photo courtesy Bob's Photos.


HO - $5.00

#19 ACY - 50 ft - PS-1 Box car - Series 3501 to 3700 - Lemon-Shaped Herald - White Decal   Finished Model

Set does two cars

HO - $5.00

#20 ACY - ACF 1958 cu ft covered hoppers – Series 500 to 539 - Later, 1955 re-paint schemes, circle and lemon-shaped heralds.  

HO Details: Each set does up to four cars, and these sets are designed to be used with set #2.
N Details: Each set does up to three cars.

 Model 514  - Model 537  - Prototype photo

Relevant article from the AC&YHS Newsletter Volume 2, Number 1, Spring 1995, Pp. 3-5


HO - $5.00  New: N - $8.33

#21 ACY - ACF 1958 cu ft covered hoppers - Series 500 to 539 - Last paint scheme on these cars - Large ACY herald.
Each set does two cars.

Finished Model

 Prototype Photo, Jay Williams Collection

HO - $5.00

#22 ACY - Yellow billboard scheme box cars - ex New Haven PS-1 40 ft steel box cars

Series 3200 to 3346 and 3347 to 3459. Set includes data for both series, but will only do one car. 

Red decals.

 Finished Model - Second Finished Model - Finished Model Ends


HO - $5.00

#23 ACY - Yellow billboard box car herald set only. Combine set #23 and #22 and

they will do two cars - one of each series.  Red decals.


HO - $3.00

#24 - ACY -PS-1 40 ft box cars - series 700 - 849 - As delivered.  Finished Model - Finished Model: End

HO - $6.00

Carbon Black covered hopper decals

#101 Sid Richardson - SRCX 345 to 354 - ACF center flow carbon black car - 3586 cu ft   Finished Model

   Prototype photo by Chris Butts.


HO - $6.00  New: N - $7.25

Prototype -

#102 Columbian Chemicals Company - CCX 448 to 472 - ACF center flow carbon black car, 4589 cu ft, no herald, new 12/65

Finished Model

Prototype -


HO - $6.00

#103 Columbian Carbon Co. - CCX 545 - 602 - ACF center flow carbon black car, 4589 cu ft - Large CCC herald, new 7/67

Finished Model

Prototype –


HO - $6.00

#104 Sid Richardson - SRCX 455 to 469 - ACF center flow carbon black car 4589 cu ft - Large “Texas – Carbon Blacks” herald   

Finished Model by Wade Griffis

Finished Model by Dwight Anderson

Prototype photo, collection of Wade Griffis


HO - $5.50  New:  N - $9.38

New: #104½ Sid Richardson - SRCX 455 to 469 - ACF center flow carbon black car 4589 cu ft - no herald, small owner name

Prototype photo by Joe Rogers


HO - $5.50  N - $3.50

#105 CABOT - CABX series 580608 to 580667 ( new 9 & 10/73)    Model 580663 Side    Model 580663 End

CABX series 580668 to 580702 ( new 6/75 )

5750 cu ft -“ Granuflator”equipped car - built by Thrall Car


Prototype -

HO - $6.00

#106 J.M. Huber - JMHX series 57480 to 57504 ( new 10/73 )    Model 57571 Side    Model 57571 End

JMHX series 57540 to 580702 ( new 12/79 )

5750 cu ft -“Granuflator” equipped car – built by Thrall Car

Prototype photos – Eric Neubauer – Freight cars journal monogram

Carbon black cars - pages 78 and 85 – 10/73 and 12/79 cars respectively

HO - $6.00

#107 Cities Service Company - CCX series 681 to 763 ( new 9/10/11-1971)

    Model 747 Side    Model 747 End

    Model 842 Side    Model 842 End

CCX series 764 to 794 ( new 2 and 11-1972)

5750 cu ft -“Granuflator” equipped car – built by Thrall Car

Prototype –

HO - $6.00

Note: This set can also be used to letter CCX 820 to 858 series cars , but

Some re - arrangement of the lettering must be done.

Prototype –

#108 Columbian Chemicals Company - CCX series 859 to 958 ( new 1-80)
5750 cu ft -“Granuflator” equipped car – built by Thrall Car

Prototype photo of CCX 863 by John Dyer

HO - $6.00

#109 Sid Richardson Carbon Co. - SRCX series 800 to 825 - (new 9&11-1971) Large-“TEXAS – Carbon Blacks” herald - 5750 cu ft -“Granuflator” equipped car. Built by Thrall Car

    Model 813 Side    Model 813 End

Prototype –


Prototype photo by Joe Shaw

HO - $6.00

Burlington Northern Freight Cars

Friends of the Burlington Northern Railroad

#201 Burlington Northern - 4650 cu ft covered hoppers - Original scheme - basically the 1970s    Finished Model

HO - $5.00

#202 Burlington Northern - 4650 cu ft covered hoppers - Three Line scheme - from 1990 on    Finished Model

HO - $5.00

#203 Burlington Northern - 4650 cu ft covered hoppers - Stealth scheme - basically the 1980s - Set will letter two cars    Finished Model

HO - $5.00


Prototype Images

New: #204 Transportation Corporation of America Roadname Set for Thrall covered hoppers

(present on BN purchased cars)

HO - $3.99

Finished model by Glenn Newton


Prototype Photo by Doug Stark

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