I intend this page to be the best possible compendium of model railroad decal suppliers.  If you know of a supplier not listed here, please contact me: wsm@greatdecals.com  If the supplier doesn't have a web site, I'm happy to host a page for them.
Model Railroad Decal Suppliers:
Good TrainMasters TV Video on How to Decal
New! Decaling Tips by Fritz Milhaupt
The Big Three:
 Champion Decal Company (Now Out of Business, but click here)
 Herald King Decals
 Microscale Industries, Inc.
 Wm. K. Walthers, Milwaukee, WI
The Rest of Us:

 Accuen Media -- 1975-1976 American Freedom Train decals
 After Hours Graphics - Decals produced by Chip Coburn for Midwestern railroads
 A-Line, container, vehicle, and intermodal equipment decals
 A Modeler's Life - ruin your fleet with these amazing decals!
 Atlantic Coast Line/Seaboard Air Line Historical Society decals
 Al Ferguson, Black Cat Publishing, over 200 different decal sets for mostly Canadian RR cars
 Bedlam Creations - Custom Model Train Waterslide Decals
 Black Swamp Shops - Decals For Akron, Canton and Youngstown Railroad, Carbon Black and Burlington Northern covered hoppers
 Blair Line - Lasercut Structures/Signs/Bridges/Graffiti Decals
 Bollinger Edgerly Scale Trains - B&M decals not available elsewhere
 BrightFuture Decals has Kentucky roots and caters to the CSX model railroader
 Chicago and Eastern Illinois Historical Society
 Chris's Bespoke Transfers - UK Custom Decal Printer
 Circus City Decals & Graphics
 C-Rail-Intermodal - decals for freight containers - Arran Naird, UK owner
 Custom Traxx - extensive traction decals
 Dan's Resin Casting - Decals for mostly Northeast roads in Z through G scales by Dan Pikulski
 Decal Solutions - from the the Unofficial Airfix Modellers' Forum
 Des Plaines Hobbies, Chicago, IL, including extensive S-scale offerings
 Double Take Productions Decals for mainly Central Of New Jersey
 Florida East Coast Railway Society - scroll down to "Modeling Decal Sets"
 Curt Fortenberry decals, Alaska Railroad and Southeast roads
 Friends of East Broad Top, lettering (decals) for the road in O-, S-, and HO-scale
 Fusion Scale Graphics - decals for all sorts of railroads
 Great Decals!, Virginian, RF&P, W&OD, Florida East Coast, and others
 G-Scale Graphics of Fort Collins, Colorado - Custom Vinyl Lettering for your models
 Highball Graphics, specializing in New England railroads
Illinois Central Gulf Decals by Daniel Kohlberg
 Image Replicas - New York City Subway Decals
 Island Modelworks - Decals for Long Island RR, Metro-North, NYC Transit, Chicago, Staten Island, MARC, and MBTA
 Kadee Quality Products, Inc.
 K4 Decals - 1900 to 1980 mostly late steam era, Midwest and Southeastern US, esp. Texas and Colorado
 La Belle Woodworking
 Bill McGonigal, ink jet printer decal supplies
 Maryland and Pennsylvania Railroad Historical Society - Including HO- and O-Scale decals for the railroad
 Mask Island Decals - Extensive selection of American railroads
 Michigan Prototype Decals by Fritz Milhaupt, HO decals for the Pere Marquette and related Michigan lines
 Missouri Pacific Historical Society - guidance to decals for that road
 Model Decal Depot - Custom Water Slide and Vinyl Decals
 Model Memories - Decals for NYC and NH Electrics
 Model Railroad Supply, Monon Ho Scale Decals
 ModelRailroadWorks - Michael Kreiser, European producer of US prototype decals
 Modern Rails - Water Slide Decals for Modern Model Trains in All Scales
 Mount Vernon Shops, Decals for Northeast Railroads, especially Pennsy, by John Frantz, York, PA
 National Scale Car - decals to build accurate models from a bygone era
 NEPrototypes - Focus on New England / Northeastern roads, all in S Scale
 New England Custom Rail - New England Toursit Railroads and the Downeaster

 Norfolk and Western Historical Society - Decals
 P&D Hobby Shop - Fraser, MI - Excellent source for O-scale decals
 Precision Design Co - Model Railroad Services - Custom Decals
 Prime Mover Decals, Boonton, NJ, Susquehanna and Erie Lackawanna decals
 Print It Decals - Modern Titles
 Protocraft Decal Line, O-scale (with some HO- and S-) Steam/Diesel transition era, Western focus
 RailTrain Hobbies - Generally western focus
 Rails Unlimited, Milwaukee Road decals by Ted Schnepf
 Resin Car Works - Decals for their Mid-Western themed kits
 San Juan Decals - Narrow Gauge & S.P. Engine Decals
 Scale Model Supplies, St. Paul, MN - Has the surviving Champ inventory
 Shawmut Car Shops - Custom Paint and Decal Engines and Rolling Stock for your Scale Railroad
 ShellScale, Troutville, VA. Norfolk Southern decals
 Smokebox Graphics - fills voids in existing product lines for transition-era and modern decals
Solid Design - custom decals for rolling stock and structures
 Southern Railway Historical Association - Click "The GRAB Store" for their decals
 Southern Railway Passenger Decals by Donnie Dixon
 Speedwitch freight car decals by Ted Culotta
 Summit Customcuts - supplier of modern accessories (esp. highway markings) for your HO & N scale model railroad
 Switch Line Decals  - Limited run custom decals
 THINfilm - Denver and Rio Grande, Rio Grande Southern and the Colorado and Southern models in Ho, S and O scales
 Tichy Train Group - Decals in HO-scale, N-scale, O-scale, and S-scale
 Todd Thornberry, T2 Decals - HO- and N-scale graffiti, circus sideshow, and "ghost" building sign decals
 Toy Train Decals - Lionel, American Flyer, etc.
 Mark E. Vaughan HO Decals - Midwestern Roads - Available from DesPlaines Hobbies (Chicago)
 Westerfield Models - Decals available for all of their kits
  Woodland Scenics, N and HO dry transfers for buildings and rolling stock. Also assorted alphabet sets in a variety of colors, sizes, and fonts.

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