3306 Parkside Terrace, Fairfax, VA 22031
The Contest
I've become exasperated
by all the articles in the modeling press where out-of-print decals are
used to complete a model, and I've decided to do something about it.
Great Decals
will pay $50 to the next modeler who gets an article published in the commercial
modeling press (membership periodicals not eligible) in which a model wearing
Great Decals appears in a photo and the source for the decals is mentioned
in the cut lines or article. We'll pay $100 if the photo appears
on the cover and the other conditions are met. Decisions of the judges
are final.
10/5/05 - $50
to Larry E. Smith for "Virginan
Boxcars, Modeling the Entire Fleet", Model Railroading, October
2004, Pp. 24-30.
[Note: We didn't think of this when we
set up the contest, but future submittions must be for magazines dated
2015 or later.]
8/8/07 - $25 each to Ben Hom and Nick
Kalis for "Nick Kalis' Long Island Rail Road Lower Montauk Branch",
Railroad Model Craftsman, September 2007, Pp. 54-60.
6/3/08 - $50 to Keith Kohlmann for "Those
Fabulous 40 Footers," N Scale Railroading, May - June 2008, Pp. 52-56.
9/3/09 - $50 to Peter North for "Freight
Cars with a Difference", Continental Modeller, July 2009, Pp. 412-414.1/26/11 - $50 to Mike Baker for "Scratchbuilding: Virginian's Low-Side Gondolas", Railmodel Journal, February 2008, Pp. 54-55.
1/20/12 - $50 to Peter North for "Squareheads, Streamliners, and Bricks", Continental Modeller, January 2012, Pp. 2-8.
8/22/23 - $50 to Doug Nelson for "Louisville & Nashville Baggage Car in N", Railroad Model Craftsman, September 2023, Pp. 74-76.